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Use: single-component thixotropic asphalt-latex water dispersion substance suitable especially for waterproofing coatings of concrete and walls, inclined and vertical surfaces. It dries to a very elastic insulating layer capable of bridging over cracks. It has a good adhesion power to concrete and asphalt strips. Even though the substance can be applied even on a wet surface, the water must be allowed to evaporate. It attaches well to strong, dust-free, clean base materials (concrete, plaster, walls) without a penetration coating. To ensure the maximum adhesion, PENETRAL ALP or GUMOSFALT SA 18 diluted in water in a 1:1 ratio can be used. The consistence of GUMOASFALT SA 18 makes it suitable for application on vertical surfaces. Since it does not contain organic dissolvent, it is suitable for interior use. For waterproofing of roofs, make sure at least 1.5 mm thick dried layer is applied.

Споживання:0,4 kg/m2. Application: paint brush, roller, asphalt brush. Do not dilute, everything is ready for use from the produce.

It is a two-component substance that consists of alkaline asphalt suspension and a powder hardening accelerator. Mixing of these two components creates thick mastic that adheres perfectly both in horizontal and in vertical position to all construction base materials (concrete, bricks, wood, etc.). It must not be mixed with other suspensions. Do not dilute, everything is ready for use from the producer.

Use: for waterproofing of all construction base materials against humidity, pressurized and non-pressurized water. For maintenance of asphalt roof coatings, sealing of roof details, waterproofing of horizontal walls and cementation of joints, to create thick-layered screed foundations of constructions, for insulation of balconies and terraces under tiles.

Processing: after mixing the powder hardener (component B) with the asphalt substance (component A) and stirring it is applied by a spatula. It can be used only at the minimum temperature of 10 °C. It must not be applied during rain or in fog. At least one 4mm thick coating is required. Two layers are required for insulation against pressurized water. After the two components are mixed together, the content must be processed within 45 minutes. Component A can also be used for penetration. For this purpose it is mixed with water in a 1:1 ratio. Use only a slow-running mixer for mixing the two components.

Packaging and storage: the package is adjusted for a liquid substance that is located in a 10 l plastic bucket with 2.3 kg of powder hardener in a bag, or in a 27.9 l bucket (6.9 kg of powder hardener). It is stored in sealed containers at a temperature ranging from 5 °C to 30 °C. It must not be exposed to frost or sunlight. The suspension is permanently damaged if exposed to temperatures below 0 °C.

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