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Racing motocross dedicated to the 40th anniversary of MK Crystal, p. Ozhenyn

Racing motocross dedicated to the 40th anniversary of MK Crystal, p. Ozhenyn

Racing motocross dedicated to the 40th anniversary of MK Crystal, p. Ozhenyn

Team Mogul Racing Team took part in the competition motocross conducted to mark the 40th anniversary of MK "Crystal" in the village. Ozhenyn, Rivne region.
At the competition racer Mogul Racing Team, Stanislav Ogorodnyk won first place in the class OPEN, what we do and welcome.
Participating in the competition were more than 30 top athletes from different regions of Ukraine.
Spectators were able to watch a tough fight and an exciting spectacle of the race in eighth grade.
65 cm2
1) Parnytskyy Nazar (m. Radivilov, Extreme MK)
2) Vinnychuk Denis (m. Rivne, Crystal MC)
85 cm2
1) Slobodzyanyy Ilya (m. Podvolochisk)
2) Shmyha Vitaly (m. Vladimirets, MK "Crystal")
3) Penyaha Nazar (m. Podvolochisk)
4) Shmatov Maxim (m. Rivne)
5) Shmyha Artem (m. Vladimirets)
1) Sahariyeva Pauline (Str. Hvizdets)
2) Kulynska Anastasia (c. Zhitomir)
3) Fadeev Catherine (m. Rivne, MK "Crystal")
1) Artem Martynenko (m. Chervonograd)
2) Lipinski Nikita (c. Zhitomir)
3) Fadeev Bogdan (m. Rivne, Crystal)
1) Ogorodnik Stanislav (Str. Klevan)
2) Kotlobay Igor (m. Rivne, Crystal)
3) Dmytro Novosad (m. Lutsk)
1) Anatoliy Dovgan (m. Chervonograd)
2) Pavel Bondarchuk (m. Rivne, MK "Crystal")
3) Siwiec Vadim (m. Khmelnitsky)
4) Lipchuk Vladimir (m. Shepetovka)
5) Yuzepchuk Sergey (m. Rivne, MK "Crystal")
Veteran 1 (40-50 years)
1) Oleg Kozlovsky (m. Khmelnitsky)
2) Kasyanchuk Sergey (m. Lutsk)
3) Vladimir Kolesnikov (c. Vinnitsa)
4) Chernihovskyy Valery (m. Kyiv, pet MK "Crystal" now stands for MK "MTU" m. Kyiv)
5) Shmatov Oleg (m. Rivne, MK "Exactly STK")
Veteran 1 (50-60 years)
1) Skrypnikova Oleg (m. Chernivtsi, Ukraine and Master of Sports of the USSR)
2) Budryk Victor (c. Khmelnitsky)
3) Andrew Gass (m. Slavuta MK "Crystal")
4) Alex Oleg (m. Vinnytsya, Master of Sports of Ukraine, president of the federation of professional boxing in the Vinnytsia region)
5) Vladimir Fadeev (m. Rivne MK "Crystal)
Absolute (optional race for everyone, the best racers)
1) Artem Martynenko (m. Chervonograd)
2) Ogorodnik Stanvslav (Str. Klevan)
3) Skrypnikova Oleg (m. Chernivtsi, Ukraine and Master of Sports of the USSR)
4) Andrey Gass (m. Slavuta MK "Crystal")
5) Siwiec Vadim (m. Khmelnitsky)
Also in the audience was waiting for entertainment as discos, live music and extreme sports show. All participants of the event were an unforgettable experience.



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